国土交通省主催 都市モデル活用のビジネスコンテストに登壇しました
PLATEAU STARTUP Pitchは、ビジネスの領域で3D都市モデルを活用し、新たなサービスやプロダクトを生み出すためのビジネスアイデアコンテストに代表の植松が登壇させていただきました。
Innovative ‘Restroom Space’ Business Plan for Women
We are preparing to launch a service aligned with our mission to make cities more women-friendly by promoting diversity through restroom spaces. This service will allow members to unlock restrooms registered on our platform using their smartphones, with a monthly subscription.
The challenge of finding a restroom in an unfamiliar city is universal. This issue is especially prominent for women in cities historically designed with a male bias. With the increasing participation of women in the workforce and the rise in jobs that require being out and about, the demand for accessible restrooms is growing.
Our service is a mechanism for city-wide restroom planning, leveraging the power of IT. Based on a design firm’s foundation, we combine IT and design capabilities to transform restrooms from mere places to relieve oneself to spaces that connect people. Our goal is to create diverse restroom spaces and contribute to a society where people can enjoy their outings more freely.